RSS Feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is is a way to 'syndicate' the headlines from a website. This could be a news site, a blog or any other site that has regularly updated news or articles. Syndicating headlines means to get the latest headlines, and often a short blurb about (or the full text of) the article & a link back to the article on the site. RSS can be used in a number of ways, but the most common way is to use an RSS aggregator to keep track of the RSS feeds.
If all the above was Greek to you (unless you're Greek of course) I have a brief introduction to RSS to help you get a handle on it. Otherwise, here is a list of the feeds available from this site. This list will no doubt grow over time. If you don't have an RSS aggregator program, I highly suggest using Feed Demon (Download the trial version). Great program by Nick Bradbury.
Post Syndication
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